Future 8th Graders

Dear future 8th graders, Next year will be full of fun and laughter, but you have to work hard in ELA in order to achieve that. The 3 parts of the class where you will need to work hard is in AR, Wordly Wise, and…

100 Word Challenge- Week 28

Timmy was living an unhealthy life. He had Doritos and Mountain Dew and played video games all day. After awhile, he noticed a change in weight. He visited a doctor, and they said that he needed to exercise every day and eat healthier. Timmy decided that the best way to…

100 Word Challenge

Time flew by slowly. Jonny was tired of sitting in his room. Summer was supposed to be fun, but to Jonny, it was boring. He sat there looking at his brown goldfish. He had enough of it, so he walked outside and played with his…

100 Word Challenge

“Mom!”,exclaimed Claudia ,” Can we go now?” “Not now honey”, said Mom. “We’ve been here for years” “I know”, said Mom in a serene manner. Claudia was tired of standing in her usual spot. She was always lackadaisical when her mother tells her it’s best…

100 Word Challenge Week 13

Jimmy loved playing outside with his best friend, Timmy. However, Timmy was leaving.This made Jimmy upset seeing his best friend leave tomorrow morning. He told his friend that he would visit him tomorrow. The next morning, Jimmy got up quickly and packed for a bike…

100 Word Challenge Week 12

Leafy was a very energetic boy. He loved playing video games. Everyday he would put new battery’s in his controller. He loved playing with his friend Keemstar. Most importantly though, he loved school. However, he was bullied because he was white. Pyrocynical bullied him in…

100 Word Challenge Week 9

Jimmy was walking around New York. He planned on shopping for new attire for his job interview .As he walked down the street, a thief pinned Jimmy to the ground and asked for his money. Jimmy refused. The man then injected an unfamiliar substance into…

100 Word Challenge Week 8

The Leafy Organization celebrated as they captured the most dangerous criminal yet, Killer Keemstar. Keemstar was a despicable criminal who has been wanted for over 11 years. The Leafy Organization sent Keemstar to a high-tech white cell that Keemstar cannot break out of. The cell…

100 Word Challenge Week 7

Living in poverty was very challenging for Jimmy. He could not afford to spend money on things such as a door lock or a bed. Jimmy worked as a proprietor. However, his business was failing and he wasn’t making a lot of money. As Jimmy…

Student Blogging Challenge Week 3

These are the links to all pictures I have used so far: 1) https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwidw7PQm_7WAhVLsVQKHaouCtsQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nydailynews.com%2Fnews%2Fnational%2Ffunny-pictures-alligator-tires-eat-croc-shoe-article-1.1096993&psig=AOvVaw1hpAJASOfTNJDfIiJbARQC&ust=1508555047968868 2) https://marcr2022.edublogs.org/files/2017/10/rocrayon-178mvpl-1a1kahl-225×300.jpg